How to Support Those Affected by Pediatric Cancer


Knowing someone who has been diagnosed with Pediatric Cancer can be a difficult situation to face. You may even feel awkward because you don’t know what say to the child or the family. Nothing you say or do will make the cancer go away, so what do you do?  Thankfully, you have the power to make the situation better by offering your support.   

 “It’s tough not to feel blessed when you have support.” – Braden’s Father, Rich Kramer.

5 Ways to Support Pediatric Cancer Families

1.     Listen

Often, those affected by Pediatric Cancer just want someone to vent to or a shoulder to cry on.  By listening and beginning to understand a portion of what they are going through, you offer the ability to assist them in other ways.  

2.     Give a Gift Card

As it may seem impersonal, it is not. Cancer creates many financial hardships. Many are taking time off work to be there for their child. By giving a gift card you are lifting a load off of the parents back. (Roper) 

3.     Offer to watch the kids. 

If other kids are in the family, offer to babysit for the parents. The parents or caregivers are usually the one’s driving the child hours away to a children’s hospital multiple days of the week. By offering your assistance to the family, this allows for travel to be simpler for both parties. 

4.     Dog Sit 

If pets are in the family then another option is to help take care of their pets. Families are not going to be home as often as the pet(s) may need them to be. This will allow them to put more of their attention on their child rather than worry about who or when someone is going to feed the dog etc. 

5.     Make Dinner 

As you can imagine, the parents do not have much free time. From traveling back and forth to the care facility to just wanting to rest does not leave them a long period to cook. Making them a nice home cooked dinner will give them back a sense of normality.  


** Important Note: Don’t just offer, DO. 

Saying “Let me know if you need anything” is a lot less effective


“I’d like to make dinner for you tomorrow” and so on. **


Andrea Kramer